Of course I play early music on historically appropriate instruments, but I also love contemporary music that exploits the beautiful and versatile sound of violas da gamba, violoni and original contrabassi. Besides a sampling of past performances below, check out the YouTube channel for the Scaramella concert series in Toronto with lots of other videos.
Antique Novae Resources for the Lyra Viol" talk for the Viola da Gamba Society of GB, recorded on June 7, 2024
Orazio 'della viola' Bassani "Toccata per B quadro" and Giovanni Paolo Cima (c1570-1622) "Sonata a due per violino e violone" performed by Elizabeth Blumenstock (violin) and Joëlle Morton (G violone), April 24th, 2010
J.S. Bach "Passacaglia" BWV 582 performed by Elizabeth Rumsey (treble viol), Joëlle Morton (tenor viol), Debra Lonergan (bass viol), Josephine van Lier (bass viol) and Marilyn Fung (G violone), May 7, 2017
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBass viol by Andreas Ferdinandus Mayr, Salzburg, 1758